In 2020, Sporting Chance launched our first social media page on Instagram. Our decision to join a social media platform was not taken lightly, considering the common mental health concerns associated with social media use. However, we decided that we could create a positive footprint through our content which would help us raise awareness of our services to professional sportspeople while simultaneously providing positive, professional and engaging content for the general public.
We recognise that our education, treatment and consultancy services are available to a relatively small section of our online reach - those involved in professional sport. Raising awareness of services to those eligible to access them will always be the primary purpose of our digital activity, but we believe that we have the expertise and resources to also use our public profile to benefit anyone. We can use social media as a tool to do this.
We are passionate about encouraging positive conversations about mental health and will use our account to share tips from therapists on managing our emotions, professional insights into issues, motivational content, lived experience of professional sportspeople and so much more that may be useful to anyone at any time.
We also have a LinkedIn page where we share content such as opinion pieces about issues, academic papers and more comprehensive compositions.
If you are interested in consuming uplifting, thoughtful, positive and professional mental health based content then follow us on Instagram and LinkedIn
We hope that our followers find our pages to be useful resources and that they have a positive impact on their mental health. This is important to us, as we see the impact that unhealthy social media consumption has on our clients' mental health on a daily basis.
We also provide education to professional sportspeople on the impact (both positive and negative) social media use can have. Our aim is that our social media content will have a positive impact on people.
With this in mind, feedback is important to us and we are always willing to take on board feedback and ideas via